Core Values


We are committed to quality, professional engineered-based service for our customers. We respect our customers above all else and never forget that they come to us by choice. We share a personal responsibility to maintain our customers' loyalty and trust. We listen and respond to our customers and seek to exceed their expectations. We know customer accolades are hard to win and should never be taken for granted. We aspire to achieve objective results and never take shortcuts on quality. As a small business concern, we are agile and responsive to our customers' changing requirements.  We are able to act quickly.


We seek the best talent and promote development of the next generation engineer and look to apply that expertise to air vehicle design and other engineering problems. AVID employees treat one another with trust, respect, transparency, and open communication. We foster collaboration while maintaining individual accountability. We encourage the best ideas to surface from anywhere within the organization. We appreciate the value of multiple perspectives and diverse expertise.  AVID’s many subject matter experts take time to mentor others to foster technology interchange and knowledge distribution.


We thrive on creativity and originality. We seek the innovations and ideas that can change the unmanned/manned vehicle industry. We anticipate market trends and move quickly to embrace them. We are not afraid to take informed, responsible risks. Engineering is used to make our design decisions – we innovate and optimize each solution.  Utilizing our world-class suite of software products, we consider our way of looking at air vehicle design as pioneering in the industry.  AVID strongly believes in accomplishing what others say can’t be done - starting with designing the first-ever deployed ducted-fan Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) in Iraq.


All of us have been blessed with health, happiness, and welfare. To those much is given, much is expected, so we in turn are committed to serving both the aerospace community and the communities where we live and work.  We look for opportunities to expand our influence by reaching out to those less fortunate and to inspire and educate our youth.


We don't take ourselves too seriously. We are flexible and always learning from our mistakes.  We celebrate achievements.  We tinker with Legos.