Wind Tunnel Testing Capabilities
AVID performs wind tunnel testing to characterize vehicle aerodynamics and propulsion parameters.
Wind tunnel testing capabilities include:
- Design and fabrication of supporting hardware
- Determine appropriate testing procedures and plan data collection
- Conduct wind tunnel testing and data collection
- Reduce data and provide in user-friendly format
- Validate aerodynamic and control system effectiveness models
- Offer technical assistance interpreting data
Wind Tunnel Database Creation
A Wind Tunnel Aerodynamic Model (WAM) generated from wind tunnel data can be used for simulation or control law development.
Wind tunnel data modeling capabilities includes:
- Development in MATLAB, Simulink, or C/C++
- Applicable to data supplied by customer or collected by AVID
- Continuous representation of vehicle aerodynamics over entire flight regime
- Underlying structure can be lookup table or equation-based
- Black box simplicity - vehicle forces and moments output based on input of vehicle state and control inputs
- Analysis of vehicle performance
- Linear stability and control analysis
- Nonlinear 6-degree-of-freedom simulation